Welcome to Penguin District School

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We’re proud of our school and what it represents; Together we aspire, we strive, we achieve.

Our goal is for everyone to be participating and deeply engaged in learning, so as to be able to then best pursue life opportunities. We believe that our school is exceptionally well placed to deliver on this goal.

There has been well over 100 years of proud public education in our town, with some evolution and exciting milestones over this time. The most significant of these being the amalgamation of the high school and primary school in 2013 to become Penguin District School.  As education is a lifelong journey, we see our responsibility in to engage learners from ‘birth to beyond’ starting with our outstanding Launching in to Learning programs through to our new extension to years 11 and 12.

We know that schools can have the greatest impact when families and school journey together. As the only government school in our town, we feel we have the support from the broader community to add value to the learning journey of each and every student.

Whilst being a comparatively large school by Tasmanian standards, with over 600 students, the value we place on community means that relationships between students and staff are prioritised. As a result, our staff understand the learning needs, strengths and qualities that make each of our students, unique, important and special.

Our approach to teaching and learning is through inquiry and collaboration.  This applies both to the learning of our students and the work of our staff. Learning is a collaborative process and one that is best undertaken when students are able to discuss possibilities, trial ideas and assess their outcomes.  

Please take the time to have a look through our website, use our online contact forms, or contact the school direct if you would like to learn more about our school.

Matthew Perry


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