Our school chaplains Ainsley and Zac are;
•positive role models for students
•a listening ear/confidant
•a caring presence
•a resource on spirituality, values, meaning and purpose
•a link between your school and its community
About Ainsley:
Hi there PDS families! My names Ainsley and I am going to be one of your Chaplains this year based in the primary school on Wednesdays!
My husband and I have been a part of the Penguin community for a long time, and love this town dearly. I’ve spent the last couple of years running holiday programs at Camp Clayton and am so excited to be a vibrant presence in your school.
I’m around to chat all things arts and crafts, music and I’ll have a red hot go at shooting some hoops when given the chance.
About Zac:
Hello PDS community, my name is Zac Streefland and I'm really looking forward to joining the team in my role as chaplain one day a week (Tuesdays).
I have been a Penguin local for the last 8 years, living here with my wife Marliese and son Bert. I enjoy playing golf, watching sports especially AFL and hanging out with my family.
Previously I worked as a builder but now I have been privileged to work with younger people for the last 4 years, with my role at The Rock Community Church running our Force Youth program. I've also been working as a chaplain at Burnie High School for the last 3 years and look forward to doing the roles together.
I really look forward to getting to know the students and staff and doing my best to support them through this journey we call life!
Chaplaincy approval:
The chaplaincy service is approved by the School Association. Each year a school community consultation process is conducted through the School Association and Parent body to establish approval for funding for the following year and the continuation of the chaplaincy service.
Support Team:
Ainsley and Zak is a part of the support service team at Penguin District School. Ainley and Zac are available to support students, parents and staff. If you would like to make an appointment for your child or yourself to see our Chaplains, please contact the school office.
Our Chaplain's work pattern:
Ainsley works each Wednesday 8:30am to 4:00pm and Zac work each Tuesday 8:30am to 4:00pm. As well as being involved in classroom activities, Ainsley and Zac also supports with programs during break times and those that run alongside timetabled classes at Penguin District School.
These include, but are not limited to:
• Break time support - pastoral care, encouraging, listening and being a friend
• Classroom support - assisting students and staff in the classroom and on extra-curricula activities
• Supporting students who need extra assistance
• Choir and musical performances/school productions - assisting staff and students with all aspects
of these events
• Class excursions and grade camps - attending and supporting staff and students with the program.
The Chaplaincy program is not a religious program and is not used for any religious instruction.
Parental Consent:
It is important to note that a student's involvement with our Chaplains is voluntary. If you do not want your child/ren to be involved in the chaplaincy service in this school, including any of the above roles and activities that the Chaplain performs, then please register your intention at the school office.
How can you support our chaplain?
• Become part of the Local Chaplaincy Committee (LCC) which oversees the service. The LCC meets once a term to review the chaplain's work and to make recommendations and goals for future action. The dates of these meetings can be obtained from the school office
• Volunteer as a helper in programs run by the chaplain - a current Working with Children Check is needed for this.
• Contribute feedback in person or via email to the chaplain or Principal.
• Support the program financially; Chaplaincy is made possible through Federal support, plus contributions from the local community and the schools. Support can be made to Chaplaincy in Penguin via Scripture Union in Hobart.
What if you have a complaint about the chaplain?
• If you have reason to make a complaint regarding the chaplain, arrange to meet with the complaints officer Mr Matthew Perry, Principal of Penguin District School.
• Scripture Union Tasmania, the funding recipient and service provider for the service, can also be contacted (details below). You are entitled to make an anonymous complaint. All complaints will be kept strictly confidential.
• All attempts will be made to resolve complaints at the local level.
• If do not wish to address your complaint to the School Principal, Complaints Officer or Funding Recipient, they may be made directly to the Department by completing the complaint reporting form available at the Program website: www.deewr.gov.au/schoolchaplaincyandwelfare or emailing schoolchaplaincyandwelfarecomplaints@deewr.gov.au
Scripture Union Tasmania is the Funding Recipient and service provider of the Australian Government's National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program at this school and the Tasmanian Department of Education approved provider of school chaplaincy in the state. This chaplaincy position is supported and managed by a Local Chaplaincy Committee comprising representatives from the school and the local community.
Scripture Union of Tasmania
23 Clarence Street, Bellerive 7018
Phone: (03) 6244 8422
Fax: (03) 6244 8477
Email: enquiries@sutas.org.au
Our Chaplain's contact details
School Phone: 03 6434 2222
Ainsley Kinch, ainsleykinchtherock@gmail.com and Zachary Streefland, zac.streefland@suchaplaincy.org.au
This project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program. Disclaimer The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.